Life Reimagined with Wendy Deacon

How Sweet it is To Adventure in Your Own Kitchen

July 21, 2021 Wendy Deacon Season 1 Episode 52

Have you stopped and really evaluated how your food is working for you - especially if you're over 50?  Is it working for you?  This is not a question I had often asked my younger self but as I get a bit beyond my 20s and 30s, I'm increasingly aware of the importance of what I'm eating and how significant my choices can be in how I feel every day and in how I'm setting a strong path for hopefully many healthy and active years ahead…..cause there's so much more I want to do, see and experience and I need this body to go the distance.

So when I met my guest today, Ginny Grabowski, we instantly connected, and I knew I wanted to have her share the path that's brought her to now helping other women in our life chapter consider plant-based eating - and before you turn off or turn away, give us a few minutes to share that it actually can be easier and more delicious than you think.  Because as part of my life reimagined, I never thought I'd be filling a cooler of food for my road trips and never thought I'd actually enjoy even trying to prep and cook these adventurous recipes.

I am not 100% vegan or vegetarian due other dietary restrictions but I can totally attest to the importance of plant-based eating in my life and my energy. Maybe even my hopefully keeping up my somewhat youthful appearance going forward as I'm totally in active age denial and plan to be for awhile.  So I need what I eat to work for me and it's been a really unexpectedly fun and interesting culinary adventure for me, a non-cooking or former non-cooking gal to eat more intentionally and find how much better it makes me feel.

So join me today ….as Ginny and I talk about how to even dip your toe in the water of introducing more plant based eating into your day and how easy and how sweet this lifestyle can be.