Life Reimagined with Wendy Deacon
Is your life what you thought it'd be at age 42? at age 50? Now more than ever, we are pausing to evaluate and strategize what we want and how to make it happen. We will share insights of life in the middle of this awesome chapter, stories of these busy gals going after their NEXT and stories of folks who found themselves with an unexpected life interruption and how they've come through it all happier, healthier and stronger. Walk with us as we discuss how to reimagine all the possibilities, how to create your best life chapter and live your life inspired....your best NEXT!
Life Reimagined with Wendy Deacon
Get Away From Your Self Imposed Deadlines
May 19, 2021
Wendy Deacon
Season 1
Episode 47
Is it Critical? Get away for a bit and take a vacation and before you totally stress about all that you "have to do," really evaluate the deadlines you set for yourself and if they're all critical. Happy road trip and vacation everyone!!!