Life Reimagined with Wendy Deacon
Is your life what you thought it'd be at age 42? at age 50? Now more than ever, we are pausing to evaluate and strategize what we want and how to make it happen. We will share insights of life in the middle of this awesome chapter, stories of these busy gals going after their NEXT and stories of folks who found themselves with an unexpected life interruption and how they've come through it all happier, healthier and stronger. Walk with us as we discuss how to reimagine all the possibilities, how to create your best life chapter and live your life inspired....your best NEXT!
Life Reimagined with Wendy Deacon
7 Steps for Your Best Solo Trip
February 25, 2021
Wendy Deacon
Season 2
Episode 3
Have you yet taken a trip by yourself? YOUR solo journey? Not work related and not just traveling somewhere to see family, but actually planning and going somewhere by yourself for a few days? I know it might seem a bit unexpected and interesting topic in this hopefully-ending-soon-COVID era, especially as my last episode was focused on how to connect with others and grow your friends and support crew circle, but hear me out as I share today a bit more about how to set up a solo trip or journey and how wonderful it is for your mental health, spirit and your soul.
Download your free Top Road Trips You Should Take in 2021 here!